المنبر الاعلامي الحر

Navy and Coastal Defense warns any ship break the Yemeni territorial waters

[03/October/2016] Sana’a/Yemeni press.

The Navy and Coastal Defense warned any ship from doing any acts that serve the countries of coalition aggression against Yemen.

It also warned from breaking the Yemeni territorial waters from any ship for any reason without taking prior authorization from the competent of the Yemeni authorities.

It said in a statement that Yemen News Agency (SABA) has received
” That after more than a year and a half and the alliance of aggression committing the most heinous crimes against the Yemeni people from killing the children, women and elders, and bombing markets and houses and vital installations and all the necessities of life and killing ordinary fishermen and destroying their vehicles on the coasts and in the islands “

The statement added, “It’s On Saturday at 2:15 on 30 Dhu al-Hijjah 1437 AH, corresponding to October 1, 2016 AD the UAE military ship type (Swift) targeted by qualitative missile led to the destruction off the coast of Mokha city which have been doing during the last period a logistical support for the countries of coalition aggression. “

Source : SABA NEWS

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