المنبر الاعلامي الحر

Yemeni National Delegation Arrives to Sana’a

The Yemeni national delegation arrived, yesterday to the capital Sana’a coming from Oman.
The official spokesman for Ansarullah, Mohamed Abdul Salam, announced on his page on “Facebook” news of the delegation’s return by saying, “With the help of Allah Almighty we arrived coming from the Sultanate of Oman and with us are a number of wounded people, politicians and religious scholars who have been prevented to return by the brutal Saudi American aggression to the homeland.”
Abdul Salam expressed his thanks and appreciation “for the efforts made by the Sultanate of Oman to facilitate the return to the homeland,” noting that the delegation was back without the intervention of the United Nations, “which has been unable to secure the return of the national delegation of Kuwait since the end of consultations.”
He explained that a number of the wounded in the massacre committed in Al Kobra hall in Sana’a will leave on an Omani plane for treatment in Sultanate of Oman.”

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