المنبر الاعلامي الحر

America and Britain call for immediate cease-fire in Yemen

Oct.17/ Yemeni press
America and Britain call for immediate cease-fire in Yemen……. according to Rueters : The United States and Britain called Sunday for an immediate and unconditional cease-fire in Yemen to end the fighting between Houthis , backed by Iran , and government forces backed by Gulf countries. US Secretary of State John Kerry said that if the conflicting parties in Yemen accepted the invitation and went ahead to implement the cease-fire , the special envoy of the United Nations Ould Cheikh Ahmed will work on the details and the announcement of a date and how to implement the cease-fire. Kerry told reporters after a meeting with his counterpart from Britain , Boris Johnson and officials in London, “This is the time to implement a cease fire unconditionally and then move to the negotiating table …. But we cannot emphasize enough today, the urgency of ending the violence of Yemen,” Kerry said he calls with Johnson and Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed for the implementation of the cease-fire “as rapidly as possible, meaning Monday, Tuesday “.

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