المنبر الاعلامي الحر

Yemeni Missiles Pound Saudi Military Sites in Assir

Nov.11/Yemeni press

The missile force of the Yemeni army and popular committees launched yesterday Thursday several Katyusha missiles targeting groupings and sites of Saudi soldiers in Assir.

Yemeni forces launched Katyusha missiles aiming at gatherings of Saudi soldiers in Dar Al Emara and the border guard command in Dahran, achieving direct hits.

As well as, the Yemeni military media distributed scenes of destroying a number of Saudi military vehicles as well as fortifications in the sites of Mastahdth and Qamah Al Sheikh in Assir.

On the other hand, the Yemeni artillery had targeted Saudi site of Raqabah Al Shaba in Assir with a number of shells.
source: Yamanyoon.com

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