المنبر الاعلامي الحر

After 600 Days of Aggression Against Yemen

Nov.15/ Yemeni press

In statistics issued by the legal status of the rights and development in Yemen ,the number of martyrs by the aggression during the 600 days of U S-backed Saudi crimes rose to 11 403 19 343 martyrs and wounded, including women and children

The center said in statistical that “the total number of civilian martyrs reached 11,403 martyrs, including 2458 children and 1811 women, in addition to 7,134 men, while the total number of wounded scored 15184 wounded civilians, including 2253 children, and 1906 women and 15184 men

Statistical explained that the number of damaged and destroyed homes reached 380,366 homes, while mosques were affected by the aggression of 675 mosques

The number of educational facility damaged 719 schools and educational institute, as well as 108 facility , the building of a university, and government facilities were damaged facility in 1553

Also damaged 263 hospitals and health units, 20 media organizations, 202 tourist facility 0.201, also destroyed archaeological site, 100 stadium and sports facility

With regard to the damage caused to infrastructure, were destroyed 1289 road bridge, 237 water tank, 148 power plants and generators, and communications networks reached 282 affected network and terminal connections

In the productive sectors, businesses affected was 5193, 254 factories, 179 poultry farms and livestock, 1376 an agricultural field, in addition to the 641 store food and 515 market shopping complex

Has also been targeting 15 airports, 13 sea port, 476 food foodstuffs, 294 gas station, 216 fuel tanker, and 2317 transport links

It is noteworthy that the legal status of the rights and development in Yemen issued info graphics in English, German, French, Swedish, Chinese shows the total direct damage caused by this aggression since its inception in March 26, 2015

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