المنبر الاعلامي الحر

French site(TTU) Condemning the US-Saudi Alliance against Yemen

Dec.13/ Yemeni press

The French site TTU accused, the US-Saudi alliance, based on the indirect strategy by the systematic bombing of the sources potable feed water to drink within his war on Yemen.

The Web site said in a report entitled “Yemen: water war” that, during the month last April the UN and Oxfam denouncef many of the raids carried out by the coalition warplanes against non-military targets, especially against backup sources to feed stores and drilling equipment drinking water.

The site reborted that the Saada and Sanaa, and specifically, Taiz provinces targgetten by several of these raids, since more than a year,as well as the local soft drinks factories, “Coca-Cola” did not escape the raids.

The site, explaining that in the beginning of January of this year, coalition fighters waged desalination plant in Mokha directorate of Taiz, which has increased the concern of humanitarian organizations, this station provides Taiz and Ibb provinces,of potable water, they serve as a strategy important for the war list.

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