المنبر الاعلامي الحر

Western Media Refers Overthrow of the Saudi Regime

Dec.20/ Yemeni press

The media in the United Kingdom and the United States,attacked Riyadh stinging criticism through the plot of the sectarian war and the overthrow of the throne, which can occur in the UK.

The British magazine “Guardian” , predicted in particular, through an article entitled “King of Saudi Arabia risks losing his kingdom,” the collapse of the government in Saudi Arabia through a severe economic crisis due to falling oil prices and the continued decline of oil demand in the region.
The magazine also mention the possibility of the overthrow of the monarchy in Saudi Arabia.

In this context, Sputnik Agency quoted Hassan Hanazadi, Iranian political and expert on Middle East issues and editor of the magazine “Mehr News that there is more severe planned than that by the Western nations planned.

It is no secret to anyone that the United States and the West believe in Saudi Arabia is as friend and ally who meet all the desires and goals,so far the Saudi money is in the interest of the United States and its allies only.

But after the fall in oil prices in the global market and with the Saudi budget millions of dollars a day loss, the United States and the West are no longer Aattiyan any importance to this ally.

As well as, we all know that the United States in its foreign policy did not have daimyin above allies confirms the existence of a clear intention to bring down the Saudi monarchy.

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