المنبر الاعلامي الحر

Army and Popular Committees Victories as a Response to the Aggression

March 5/ Yemeni press

Army and popular committees‘ artillery pounded today Sunday Saudi American aggression mercenaries locations in Jabal Habashi district in Taiz .

As well as they were able to killed four Saudi-paid mercenaries in Serwah district of Mareb province, a military official said on Saturday.

In the same context, three of the mercenaries were killed by army artillery shelling on al-Zaghn area, while the fourth one was shot dead in al-Rabe’ah valley in the same district.

The Yemeni forces also repel creep for the aggression mercenaries towards Yam mountain in Niham district.

These military operations function as a response to the constant war crimes committed by the US-backed Saudi coalition against Yemeni civilians since March 26 of 2015.

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